Submission open for Volume 1, Number 1, March 2024


Reboiler aims to provide research and practices in the chemical design of technology based-chemical engineering, a forum of reflection for practitioners and academic programs.

The journal presents paper should be dealing with the topics related to chemical engineering including:

  • Designing, modeling, process optimization
  • Chemical reaction technique
  • Bio and chemical kinetic
  • Bio and chemical catalysis
  • Separation and purification unit
  • Transport phenomenom
  • Material technology, material developments and advanced material
  • Industrial fieldwork
  • Food technology and Bioprocess
  • Energy and conservasion technology
  • Bioremediation technique
  • Chemical engineering operating unit

Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts should be written according to the journal's guidelines, which are available on our website.

Important Dates
Submission Deadline: February 25, 2024
Review Process: Ongoing
Publication Date: March 2024

There is no article processing charges (APC) and no submission charges for publishing article in this journal.