The Effect of Contact Time and Composition of Activated Carbon-Humic Acid Composite on the Efficiency of Lead (Pb) Reduction
Adsorben, Activated Carbon, Humic Acid, Lead, WasteAbstract
Abstract: Liquid waste from industries containing lead (Pb) has the potential to pollute the environment if not treated properly. This study utilized activated carbon-humic acid composites as adsorbents for lead (Pb) metal ions. The research aimed to examine the effects of contact time and the composition of activated carbon-humic acid composites on reducing lead (Pb) levels. The composite was synthesized through a physical stirring method without the addition of binding agents. Characterization using FTIR revealed the presence of functional groups such as OH, C-O, C-H, and C=O, which are responsible for metal adsorption. Adsorption efficiency was evaluated using AAS to measure the reduction of lead (Pb) content. The results showed a lead (Pb) content reduction of 9.406 ppm at a composite concentration of 10 mg and a contact time of 3 hours, achieving an efficiency of 93.58%. The produced adsorbent followed the Freundlich isotherm adsorption equation, as indicated by a regression coefficient value of 0.8763, which is close to 1
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