Sinergi Antihipertensi Konvensional dan Fitoterapi : Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Tirto, Kota Pekalongan
fitotherapy, hypertension, conventionalAbstract
Tirto Village was in the second position with the highest incidence of hypertension in Pekalongan. Hypertensive patients in the Tirto Village used conventional antihypertensives or combinations of conventional-phytotherapy to treat their hypertension. The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of the patients, the patient's perception, the effectiveness of therapy, and the correlation of perception and the effectiveness of therapy resulting from the use of the conventional antihypertensive-phytotherapy combination. This study was nonexperimental research (observational). The research method being employed was analytic observational with a prospective cohort design. The number of samples being used was 92 respondents consisting of 2 groups, namely the group of users of conventional antihypertensive therapy, and the group of users of combination conventional antihypertensive-phytotherapy. The research data were collected through a validated questionnaire. The results of the univariate analysis showed that most of the respondents were female (60.9 %), 45-64 years old (55.4%), graduated from elementary school (52.2%), working as housewives (42.4%), suffering hypertension for >1 year (54.3%), consuming conventional drugs, amlodipine (73%), and using cucumber as the phytotherapy (32%). Other research needs to be done regarding the methods being used and research variables such as motivation variables.
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