Efficiency of Reducing Pollutant Levels and PH of Citarum River Water Using the Phytoremediation Method
The Citarum River is one of the largest rivers in West Java and has benefits for the environment, not just the industrial sector but also the needs of the surrounding community. The increase in population and lack of awareness of keeping the river environment clean makes the river become polluted. The Citarum River is currently in a moderately polluted to heavily polluted condition. This research aims to analyze the effect of residence time and the effectiveness of reducing pollutant levels and neutralizing pH in Citarum river water using the phytoremediation method. The plant used in this research is water jasmine (Echinodorus paleofolius) variable residence time for Citarum River water in the reactor is 3, 5, and 7 days.The results of the research showed quite good results where there was an increase in the pH value towards neutral where the Citarum river water before treatment was at 5.6 to 6.5. The efficiency of reducing COD levels reached 40% during a residence time of 7 days with a concentration reaching 25,085, close to the established quality standard. The efficiency of reducing BOD levels reached 68.15% during the residence time7 days with a concentration reaching 3,895, close to the established quality standards. The efficiency of reducing TSS levels reached 29.33% during a residence time of 7 days.
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