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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidlines


The objective of this journal is to communicate conceptual concepts or ideas, as well as research results in the field of community services related to science, technology, education, health, engineering and agriculture. The paper published in this journal implies that the work described has not been, and will not be published elsewhere, except in the abstract, as part of a lecture, review, or academic thesis.

Babakti : Journal of Community Engangement uses a web-based online manuscript submission and review system. The author must register in the registration section. Authors must submit their manuscript via the online submission system on the page

The manuscript must be written and submitted in .doc or .docx format. Please consult our template user guide for help when using our Microsoft Word templates:

Babakti Template Article: Download

If authors have any problems with the online submission, please contact Editorial Office at the following email:


To verify the originality, the manuscript will be checked by the plagiarism detection service Turnitin. Please ensure that the manuscript that will be submitted has been formatted to the template of our journal before submission.


It is important that the file be saved in the native format of the word processor used. All manuscripts should be written in concise and clear English and suggested to be typed with the template. Including the body of the manuscript, references, end-notes, tables, and figures, all material should be no longer than ten single-spaced pages. The Manuscripts should be written in Bahasa and formatted to follow the submission guidelines of the journal.

Babakti requires authors to select the article type and to comply with the article-type descriptions defined below. Please note that not all article types are available for all specialities. Please pay close attention to the word count limits. Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

1. Research articles

More than 6000 words and not exceeding 9000 words (exclude reference in the full manuscript, no word limit on the title page). The articles have to present a conceptual framework, and/or the application of your community engagement programs such as community development, community services, community empowerment, community outreach, and action research. These types of articles should have a deep theoretical framework and be more generalizable, i.e., not focusing on single case studies

2. Review articles

The review articles comprehensively summarize the literature on issues about community engagement or community engagement programs. The total word count should be more than 5000 words and not exceed 6000 words (exclude references, no word limit on title page).

3. Case-based articles (Technical Articles + Policy/Practical Articles)

More than 4000 words and not exceeding 5000 words (exclude references, there is no word limit on the title page) that describe pioneer techniques likely to be of use to others that are practicing community engagement. This type of article is best suited where the focus is on a smaller number of case studies or a single but unique or large-scale case study. The article may be technique-driven, methodology-focused, or maybe an in-depth examination of a community engagement program, including monitoring, planning, implementation, or policy relevance of the case study(s). This type of article has a briefer introduction and less focus on theoretical frameworks in favor of a focus on technical approaches and outcomes.


Insert your abstract text, the contents of the abstraction are between 150 and 300 words in one paragraph providing trial information under the following sections.

First, background. Provide context or background for the study and state the study's primary objective or hypothesis in 1–2 sentences. Describe shortly the theory review of community engagement that has been done. Also, mention and explain the theory that supports your research, especially about community engagement, community services, and community development. Furthermore, the Author may include a hypothesis (if any), which explains the expected result.

Second, methods. Describe the necessary procedures used during the study, including the selection of study subjects and observational and analytical methods. Define the primary outcomes that were measured for each group of subjects about the implementation of community engagement.

Third, results and discussion. Summarize the main findings, including specific effect sizes and their statistical significance, if possible. Include (if relevant) the number of participants in each group, the primary outcome for each group, and any significant adverse events or side effects. Also, please explain the previous research and the relation between your theory and your result.

Fourth, conclusion. In 1–2 sentences, state the principal conclusions, emphasizing new and important aspects of the study or observations in the issue of community engagement.

Article Contents

ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement manuscript should be divided into two different files namely as 1. Title Page (Title of Article, Name of Authors, Affiliation, Email, Author Contribution, and Acknowledgement); and 2. Full Manuscript (Title, Abstract and Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and References).

Title of the manuscript should be defined to help global readers understand. Hence, the authors must preferably avoid creating a title with some local meanings, such as: "Case study of (Local meaning) in City X or (Local Culture Meaning) in Sub-district Y". In addition, the manuscript title in Full Manuscript should be clear, concise, informative, and limited to 15 words, including conjunctions. Subtitles, colons, and nonstandard abbreviations are unacceptable.

Please remove the name of Author in Full Manuscript to ensure double-blind review process. The authors are required to accept the Journal Publishing Agreement when submitting the manuscript to our journal. This agreement covers authorship, originality, and conflicts of interest.

1. Introduction

Introduction Section should contain research significance and all supporting data or scientific evidence based on personal observations or the results of other researcher studies. The formulation of this research problem is always based on real conditions and objectively scientifically. Community engagement covers the services to society, applying science and technology based on their field, increasing the capacity of society, and community empowerment. This section is not bounded to be titled as "Pendahuluan" and can be titled in a more descriptive manner.

Authors must input the theoretical background in the Introduction section. It should contain previous theories as the basis of research and the temporary hypothesis. The theoretical backgroud provides state of the art of your manuscript from research problems that have been proposed. In the context of community engagement, the theory that should be used primarily is those that relate to community engagement, community development, or community services. Additional theories outside of community engagement scope can be included as well.

After the theories are mentioned and discussed, you need to form a problem that shows why this manuscript is important, existing gaps, previous research, and the purpose of the manuscript.

2. Methods

Methods are the means used by the Author to answer the existing research problem. The method must be clear with the location and time of the research, the population, and sample of the study, the research variables, and the research data. The method of your manuscript also mentions the details of your community engagement program.

3. Result and Discussion

Result and discussion contains results obtained by the author during the research. The results of the study submitted in advance as a whole, which continues by doing the process of discussion. The discussion is presented systematically from general, then leads to the specific. The presentation of the research can be done with the help of tables, drawings/graphs, maps/plans, and schemes.

The result and discussion of your manuscript also interconnected with the theory as well as the novelty of your manuscript about community engagement. The results and discussion part should also describe the implication of this community engagement program to the community. The minimum explanation in this chapter ranges from 40% to 50% of your manuscript. This section and subsection of it could be titled in a more descriptive manner.

4. Conclusions

The conclusion of your manuscript defines the novelty of your study and the fruitfulness of your community engagement program, the benefit for society or community, and theoretical contribution from your manuscript. This conclusion has to have a maximum of 3 paragraphs.


References of your manuscript must be up to date for the last 8 years (up to date and a minimum of 30 references that 50% of the references are from journals). We do not encourage using references from Proceedings and Conference Proceeding and it is forbidden to use references from predatory journals.

Format of the references for submitting the manuscript on this journal with the style of APA, which can be done in MS Word. Here is an example reference format with the style of APA Style 7th Edition. Please input your references using Mendeley Application to facilitate you as an Author. Download Mendeley Application.

Journal Article:

Asmit, B., & Koesrindartoto, D.P. (2019). Identifying the Entrepreneurship Characteristics of the Oil Palm Community Plantation Farmers in the Riau Area. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 17(3), 219-236.

Evelyn, Saputra, E., Komalasari, & Utami, S. (2019). Community training in dishwashing-liquid soap making from waste cooking oil. Riau Journal of Empowerment, 1(2), 67-74.

Hapsoh, Gusmawartati, Amri, A.I., & Diansyah, A. (2019). Respons Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Cabai Keriting (Capsicum annuum L.) terhadap Aplikasi Pupuk Kompos dan Pupuk Anorganik di Polibag. Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia, 8(3), 203.


O’Brien, J.A. (2019). Management Information Systems. Edisi 10. McGraw-Hill. New York-USA.

Todaro, M.P. (2020). Pembangunan Ekonomi di Dunia Ketiga. Jakarta, Indonesia: Erlangga.

Bab (Chapter) atau Bagian dalam Buku:

Pambudi, T. (2019). Pengaruh metode ajar Project Based Learning (PjBL) terhadap hasil belajar gelombang. In T. Pambudi, B. Nasrul, & N. Qomar (Eds.), Kumpulan Hasil Penelitian Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang: Menuju Universitas Riset 2020 (pp. 92-94). Karawang, Indonesia: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

Disertation dan Thesis:

Soegandhi, A. (2019). Aplikasi model kebangkrutan pada perusahaan daerah di Jawa Barat (Doctoral dissertation). Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung, Indonesia.

Zarei, R. (2017). Developing enhanced classification methods for ECG and EEG signals (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.

Internet page:

Pambudi, T. (2019, July 13). Pengarahan Keberangkatan Mahasiswa KKN Kebangsaan dan KKN Bersama UNSIKA oleh WR 3. Retrieved from

After Acceptance


Before publishing the manuscript, the proofs will be sent to the authors by email. Only minor changes are allowed and any errors must be corrected; no change or additions to the edited manuscript will be allowed at this stage. The corrected proofs must be returned to the editor by email and system in docx template. If the Editor does not receive the corrected proofs after 1 (one) week, it will be assumed that there are no errors for correction, and the manuscript will be published in the next issue according to the journal style.


After publication, the Authors will be sent by email the published manuscript, and also the online published article which can be freely accessed and downloaded from the website.


Author Inquiries

For further inquiries, please contact:
E-mail :


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.