Publication Ethics

Duties of Editors

  1. The editor is responsible for deciding the articles to be published in   the Fondasi: Jurnal Teknik Sipil. Editors also pay attention to copyright issues and plagiarism in the articles that will be published.
  2. The editor evaluates article manuscripts honestly and responsibly regardless of the author's background, gender, ethnicity, religion, race, and nation.
  3. The editor, the reviewer team, and other journal teams always guarantee the confidentiality of the author's identity of the article manuscript. In addition, always take care that irresponsible parties do not misuse unpublished article manuscripts.

Duties of Reviewers

  1. Reviewers participate in giving consideration to editors in deciding the manuscripts of articles to be published.
  2. The reviewer team must review it quickly and promptly.
  3. Always treat all manuscript articles as confidential documents; the entire reviewer team must maintain this confidentiality.
  4. Reviewers must uphold objectivity in reviewing article manuscripts.
  5. Reviewers are expected to be able to identify article manuscripts that violate publication ethics, such as copyright and plagiarism. In this case, a discussion with the editor is necessary.
  6. Reviewers are expected not to review article manuscripts indicated to have a conflict of interest.
  7. Reviewers are required to check the similarity index of article manuscripts.

Duties of Authors

  1. Authors of article manuscripts must meet journal writing standards. All information in research must be conveyed accurately in the manuscript including the data and references that underlie it, with the aim of serving as a basis for the application and development of further research by the authors and other researchers.
  2. All writing of citations, footnotes, and bibliography must comply with writing standards and always use software such as Endnote, Jabref, Microsoft Word (built-in), Mendeley, and so on.
  3. Authors are always expected to be open about raw data in research if, at any time, the team of editors, readers, or other researchers need it.
  4. The author must guarantee that his writings and research are original works and always state/include the sources of the information and/or theory presented.
  5. Manuscripts submitted/submitted cannot be manuscripts being reviewed in other journals. In other words, authors are prohibited from submitting the same manuscript in more than one journal simultaneously. This is a violation of publication ethics.
  6. Authorship in each article manuscript must be upheld. In other words, the entire article writing team has significantly contributed to concept development, design, and execution. Authors who do not have a significant contribution but have an additional role can be stated in the statement/acknowledgment section.
  7. All forms of financial support (if any) must be included in the statement/acknowledgment.
  8. All tools used in research are expected not to violate copyright.